Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to free more RAM on your phone

How to free more RAM on your phone >>>

>>> Method 1: Flight mode:

Put your phone in "Flight mode" with Psiloc System Tools. Install System Tools, open it and select "Flight mode". This way you can restart the phone without your SIM card so there will be no running phone tasks in the background. Now you can have up to 3,5 MB of free RAM!

Note: ironically enough, Flight mode doesn't work when Smart Launcher is installed, at least in my case.
But i've also heard several reports of people who have both apps running without any problems.

Get Hi5 Falling Hearts

Friday, November 25, 2011

imp link 4 job alert & science website

Important Job Links
Science Websites Link

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Love SMS Collection

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Love SMS Collection

If U Fall In Love,
Send Words
I Will Come
If I Am Alive
If I Am Not
I Will Come Through Ur Tears,
Through Ur Feelings
And Through Ur Dreams…

Without Love — days are
so be in Love everyday…

those we love never go away
they walk beside us everyday…
still near..
still loved..
still Missed..
still very dear…

where words fail, action speak ,
where action fails, eyes speak,
where eyes fail , tears speak,
AND where everything fail,

I’m feeling so happy, do u know why?
b’coz i m so lucky ,do u know how ?
b’coz God love me. do u know how?
b’coz he gave me a gift.
do u know what? its YOU my love.

A special smile a special face,
A special someone no one can replace.
I love you and always will,
You’ve filled a space no one could fill.

Have a cigar daily – You’ll die 10 yrs early.
Have drinks daily – You’ll die 30 yrs early.
Love someone truly – You’ll die daily.

Only God Knows How Much I Miss You,
Only God Knows How Deep I Love You,
Only God Knows How Much You Mean To Me.

I’m feeling so happy, do u know why?
B’coz I’m so lucky, do u know how?
B’coz God loves me. Do u know how?
B’coz he gave me a gift. Do u know what?
It’s U my love.

You’re my first thought in the morning
And every moment in between
I’m lost in your eyes
And the night arrives
You are in my dreams
I love you

“A boy proposed a
girl,SHE rejects,
but boy was not
sad,FRIENDS ask
“why u r not sad”
boy~why sad,
I lost 1 who
never loved me
but SHE lost 1
who really loves

A line from a person who has understood life properly
“I thought love is life…!
But my love taught me what is life..!”

If you delete this SMS
You love me,
If you keep it,
You want me,
If you ignore it,
You adore me,
If you send it back,
You can’t live without me Now what will u do? Tell me !!

“Love & care are gifts…
If you receive it,open and appreciate it..
If not,don’t worry..,
Someone somewhere is still wrapping it for u.:)

I may be innocent to know what love is
I may not show it to you
I may not love you the way it should be but ..
I am always willing to love you the way I understand it… I LOVE YOU.

Insult SMS Messages

Hey friend remember that
without stupidity there can be no wisdom
& without ugliness there can be no beauty
so the world needs YOU after all!

Worries About U
Lonely Without U
Guess Who?
… THE ZOO ..

Where r u?
U r u not replying?
I m worried coz today’s paper
I read that due 2 thunder a monkey
has been severely injured.
So if u r safe, SMS me immediately.

God thought that since
he couldn’t b everywhere
he made a mother.
Then devil thought that
he couldn’t be everywhere
he made a mother-in-law.

When somebody who is deeply
in Love with you tells that
You are
cute, beautiful, & angelic,
I agree. That’s true,
Believe me,
I swear because love is definitely blind

I have lots of jokes in my inbox,
But I can’t send you all of them,
It will take a lot of time,
So I’m sending you just 1 joke
“You are so beautiful”

Teacher : U failure !
At Ur age Bill gates stood first in the class
Student : Mind u, Sir,
but at Ur age Hitler committed suicide

Most people have 5 senses.
Some people have 6 senses.
But u r blessed with 7 senses.
An extra sense is NON SENSE.

Question: Why do men chase women
when they have no intention of marrying?
Answer: For the same reason dogs chase cars
when they have no intention of driving.

In 3 ways u can break d mirror…
1.throw stone at d mirror
2. throw the mirror on d floor.
3. stand in front of d mirror and smile by showing ur teeth….


If I was as ugly as you were, I wouldn’t say Hi to folk, I’d say BOO!

Your face is such a mess, when you practice diving why don’t you make sure the pool has water in next time.

He doesn’t know the meaning of the word “fear” – but then again he doesn’t know the meaning of most words

Hey friend remember that without stupidity there can be no wisdom & without ugliness there can be no the world needs YOU after all!

Husband and Wife SMS

Wife: yesterday-night I saw a dream
That u were sending me
Jewelery and clothes!
Husband: yeah, I saw
your dad paying the bill !!!

A recently fired
stock trader said …
“This is worse than divorce…
I have lost everything
I still have my wife…”

Judge: why did u shoot Ur wife
instead of shooting her lover?
Man: Your honor,
it’s easier to shoot a woman once,
than shooting one man every week.

Husband:u will never succeed
in making that dog obey u!
Wife:Nonsense it’s only a matter of patience,
I had a lot of trouble with u at first.

What is the Difference Between Mother & Wife ?
A – One Woman Brings U into this world crying…
the other ensures U Continue to do so.

Interviewer to Millionaire: To whom do you owe your success as a millionaire?”
Millionaire: “I owe everything to my wife.”
Interviewer: “Wow, she must be some woman.
Interviewer: “What were you before you married her?”
Millionaire: “A Billionaire”

Wife: You always carry my photo in your handbag to the office. Why?
Darling : When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.
Wife: You see, how miraculous and powerful I am for you?
Darling : Yes, I see your picture and say to myself, “What other problem Can there be greater than this one?

wife: honey, what r u looking 4?
husband: nothing
wife: why have u been reading our marriage certificate 4 an hour ?
husband: i was just looking 4 the expiry date

Husband asks: Do you know the meaning of WIFE? It means…
Without Information, Fighting Every time!
WIFE says: No darling , it means :-
With Idiot For Ever

Wife: I wish I was a newspaper
so I would be in Ur hands all day.
Husband: I too wish that u were
a newspapers so I could have
a new one everyday.

A man in Hell asked Devil:
Can I make a call to my Wife?
After making call he asked how much to pay.
Devil : Nothing, Hell to hell is Free.

Funny SMS

Why Are Elephants
Large, Gray And
Wrinkly… ?
If They Were
Small Round & White
They Would Be
”Aspirins” ;->

Boy U r d Sunshine
Of My Life !
Without U Life’s Like A
Dreamy Cloud !
U r In My Heart Like A
Lovely Drizzle In d Sun !
Girl: Now Go Further
I’ve 2 Listen More
Weather Report :p

Attitude of girls:
When a boy sends dirty sms
she laughs for 10 minutes,
forward dat to her friends n
then replies the boy.
“i dont like that kind of sms ok?” :p ;->

Friends I’m Collecting
Quad Photos
Give Ur Contribution
2 My Collection.
A Small Condition Is
It Must Be On
500 Or 1000 Rupees Note

What should be in a
book to make it a bestseller?

A girl on the cover
no cover on the girl.

Define a True Music Lover?

A Girl singing in a Bathroom
While Taking Bath
and a Boy Near the Keyhole
is Using His Ears Not His Eyes.

Teacher says to student, In Algebra
It means A=C.

Now give relevant example.
Student: Sir, I love you & You love your daughter,
It means that I love your daughter.

Buyer to seller : is it pure honey ?
How do I know if it is pure honey ?
Seller : give the dog some honey ..
if the dog doesn’t lick it, it is pure honey

Buyer : what if the dog licks it ?
Seller: so it is not a real dog.

Thought of the day:
“if u help a gal when she is in problem,
she will always remember u
only when she is in problem again..!!”

A very old lady teacher of English
ask this question with the class:
When I say “I am beautiful”, which tense is it?
One pupil answered: Its the past tense of course.

143 means?
Do u want to know
what it means?
Press Down..
It means
Tomorrow I will teach u 144.

Flowers die,
Stories end,
Songs fade,
Memories are forgotten,
All things come 2 end,
But people like u r remembered forever,

1 day u’ll B srprisd 2 c ME beside U.
U & ME laughing,
U & ME crying,
U & ME dreaming,
U & ME holding on,
U & ME…
just U & ME sitting in a MENTAL HOSPITAL & ME CHECKING U.

Friendship SMS

Friendship Is Not Written By Chalk
2 Erase Or Write Again.
It?s Written With Da Ink Of Love
On The Wall Of Heart
Once Written Can?t Be Changed Dats Frndship

Frnz R D Smell Of Cigrates
Whch Stays In D
Finger Tips 4 A Short Time
Bt True Frnz R Lik D
Nicotine In D Cigrates
Which Stay In D Heart Til Death..

Friends R Like Delicate Flower?
They Dry Not Die..
However I M Cactus I Will Be
Poking U So That U Will Remember Me?.
LifE iS 5 stAr
M?thEr iZ tOp stAr . . .*
FathEr ?? King st?R. *
TeAchEr?Z ultim?tE st?r
* * >
L?vE is Acti?n st?r. . .*/*
But ? fRNd iZ thE

Mising u,
is my ?HOBBY?
Care 4u,
is my ?JOB?
Make u happy,
is my?DREAM?
Pray 4 u,
is my ?DUTY?
2keep frndship with u,
Is my ?LIFE.

Some joys are better explained in silence, as a smile gets more audible than laughter. I was asked if I enjoyed my friendship with you. I just smiled.

If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t jump with them; I’d be at the bottom to catch them.

Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth but in having friends like you – a precious gift from God!

I always thought loving someone is the greatest feeling, but I realized that loving a friend is even better. We lose people we love, but we never lose true friends.

One tree can start a forest, one smile can start a friendship. One touch can show you care, one friend like you can make life worth living for.

In my dreams, we were never apart. In my dreams you kept me close. In my dreams you loved me the most. In my dreams we’re Always together. Might as well be dreaming forever.
but because i accept you and respect you the way you are.

A true friend is not like the rain which pours & goes away. A true friend is like the air. Sometimes silent but always around u.

A friend is sweet when its new but it is sweeter when its TRUE! But u know what? Its sweetest when its you.

If kisses were water, I will give you the sea. If hugs were leaves, I will give you a tree. If you love a planet, I will give you a galaxy. If friendship is lif,e I will give you mine.

If you are a chocolate you are the sweetest, if you are a Teddy Bear you are the most hug-gable, If you are a Star you are the Brightest, and since you are my “FRIEND” you are the “BEST”!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Download Samsung Kies – Free Software for Samsung Smartphones

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Download Samsung Kies – Free Software for Samsung Smartphones

Just click on OK to download

Samsung Kies software is a freeware for Samsung Device users. Users owning Samsung Wave or Android mobile phones, can use this free software to sync their phones with Computers. Samsung’s market share is really increasing in smartphones segment and they are doing it right by making this Samsung kies software free for download and use.

Hope this helps you in downloading Samsung Kies software suite.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

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